Our Approach to Multi-Strategy Solutions

Drawing on our multidimensional approach, we have combined our ‘best ideas’ and alpha sources from equity, fixed-income and multi-asset capabilities into a range of multi-strategy solutions that seek to deliver attractive risk-adjusted outcomes for each client in the environment we are in.

Our Solutions

A modular approach to building blocks allows us to build a variety of solutions for our clients, and we provide a few examples below. We’re committed to offering solutions that are transparent, offer liquidity, have an attractive fee, and align with our clients’ objectives.

Dynamic Factor Premia

An alternative multi-strategy that seeks absolute returns through diversified alpha sources: global macro, cross-asset trend and cash equity long/short.

Global Alpha 1

A systematic global tactical asset allocation (GTAA) strategy that seeks to outperform a global 60/40 benchmark, using directional macro, equity, bond, currency, and commodity long/short.

Systematic Global Macro

A fully customizable absolute-return strategy with directional and diversifying market-neutral alpha sources.

Real Asset Multi Strategy

A multi-strategy that allocates to high inflation beta components within equities and commodities.

Adaptive Risk Overlay

A customized tail-risk hedging solution that seeks to offset losses to an investor’s asset portfolio during severe market corrections.

Balanced Opportunities

A fundamental, active approach that seeks total return through a combination of capital appreciation and current income.