This strategy is offered by Newton Investment Management North America LLC (‘NIMNA’) in the United States. NIMNA is part of the Newton Investment Management Group.

Strategy Overview

The strategy seeks to balance the sources of portfolio risk across major asset classes, including global equities, global credit, sovereign debt, commodities and momentum. The strategy is designed with the flexibility to scale volatility targets to meet investors’ specific risk/return objectives.

Risk Parity Index strategy offers exposure to a broadly diversified, risk-targeted multi-asset portfolio designed to perform across a variety of economic environments. Differentiators include efficient implementation, low fees, and consistent delivery of a target risk level.

Strategy Profile


The objective of the Risk Parity Index strategy is to deliver return consistent with the targeted index.

Strategy inception

April 26, 2019

Investment Team

Our investment team of research analysts and portfolio managers work together across regions and sectors, helping to ensure that our investment process is highly flexible.

A team of 18 investment professionals.

Ryan Arita
Ryan Arita

Portfolio manager, Asset Allocation team

Berto Brauns
Berto Brauns

Research analyst, Multi-Asset Solutions team

Dimitri Curtil
Dimitri Curtil

Global head of multi-asset solutions

Xuan Huan
Xuan Huan

Research analyst, Multi-Asset Solutions team

James H Stavena
James H Stavena

Head of portfolio management, Multi-Asset Solutions

Irene Wang
Irene Wang

Head of research engineering, Quantitative Multi-Asset Solutions

Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Your capital may be at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the original amount invested.