Reimagining the Multi-Asset Portfolio in a New Investment World

The era of cheap money is over. In this new world, we believe multi-asset portfolios need to be reimagined to embrace flexibility, allocate capital more efficiently, and better embed diversification through broader risk management.

The Case for Liquid Alternatives

An investment approach founded on ever-rising markets and lower interest rates may no longer reliably deliver the returns clients are seeking.

Explore the reasons why we believe now is the time to consider liquid alternatives.

Greater Dispersion in Markets

With greater dispersion of financial-market returns across and within asset classes, liquid, long/short global approaches could start to perform well.

Diversification Benefits

These strategies take idiosyncratic risks and offer the prospect of diversification benefits that may be underrepresented in your portfolios today.

Uncorrelated Returns

A liquid and flexible approach provides the potential for uncorrelated returns and downside risk management, without the high fees and additional risks often associated with alternative vehicles.

Let Us Help You Unlock Opportunity

Multi-Strategy Solutions

Multi-strategy approaches that combine ‘best ideas’ and alpha sources into a range of solutions that seek to deliver the best possible risk-adjusted outcomes for the environment we are in.

Systematic Multi-Asset

Using a fundamentally driven and systematically delivered investment process to create robust, risk-efficient outcomes including trend, macro, relative value and tail-risk hedging strategies.

Fundamental Multi-Asset

Fundamental multi-asset strategies which span absolute-return, balanced and income capabilities, with security selection driven by our multidimensional research.

Unlocking opportunity requires a future-facing approach, and to us that means active, multidimensional and engaged investment.

In a multi-asset context, there are three approaches you could consider.

Your capital may be at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the original amount invested.