Who we serve

Each client has its own particular objectives, and our starting point is to understand what they are and how we can best help meet them by being an expert partner.

Defined benefit schemes

Pension fund investment has been at the core of our business since our inception in 1978, and we offer a range of strategies designed to help DB schemes meet their goals.

Defined contribution schemes

We work closely with DC master trusts, DC schemes and specialist DC consultants to ensure we fully understand the outcomes that members are looking for and any constraints or specific considerations that trustees must take into account.


Our focus on performance and service has helped us become one of the UK’s leading investment managers for charitable organisations, including charities, foundations and trusts.

Local government pension schemes

Newton has a long history of working in partnership with local authorities, having managed local authority mandates since 1994.

Insurance companies

Whether your organisation is a life, non-life, reinsurance or health insurance company, we understand the investment challenges it faces and the opportunities it needs to harness.


Through BNY Investments, we work in partnership with a wide range of financial intermediaries to provide strategies to meet their clients’ particular investment objectives.

Sovereign Investors

Harnessing BNY Investments’ worldwide presence and local language support, we offer investment strategies designed to meet the performance and diversification requirements of sovereign investors across the world.

Individual investors

Our strategies are available to retail investors via BNY Investments, which distributes the range of Newton-managed funds.

Your capital may be at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the original amount invested.

* Source: Newton group of companies, 31 December 2024. Newton’s assets under management include assets collectively managed by Newton Investment Management (NIM), Newton Investment Management North America LLC (NIMNA) and Newton Investment Management Japan Limited (NIMJ). In addition, AUM for Newton includes assets of bank-maintained collective investment funds for which Newton has been appointed sub-advisor, where Newton personnel act as dual officers of affiliated companies and assets of wrap fee account(s) for which Newton provides sub-advisory services to the primary manager of the wrap programme.