Our approach to multi-strategy solutions

Drawing on our multidimensional approach, we can combine our ‘best ideas’ and alpha sources from equity, fixed-income and multi-asset capabilities into a range of multi-strategy solutions that seek to deliver attractive risk-adjusted outcomes for each client in the environment we are in.

Our solutions

A modular approach to building blocks allows us to build a variety of solutions for our clients, and we provide a few examples below. We’re committed to offering solutions that are transparent, offer liquidity, competitive fees, and align with our clients’ objectives.

Dynamic Factor Premia

An alternative multi-strategy that seeks absolute returns through diversified alpha sources: global macro, cross-asset trend and cash equity long/short.

Global Alpha 1

A systematic global tactical asset allocation (GTAA) strategy that seeks to outperform a global 60/40 benchmark, using directional macro, equity, bond, currency, and commodity long/short.

Systematic Global Macro

A fully customisable absolute-return strategy with directional and diversifying market-neutral alpha sources.

Real Asset Multi Strategy

A multi-strategy that allocates to high inflation beta components within equities and commodities.

Adaptive Risk Overlay

A customised tail-risk hedging solution that seeks to offset losses to an investor’s asset portfolio during severe market corrections.

Balanced Opportunities

A fundamental, active approach that seeks total return through a combination of capital appreciation and current income.


Your capital may be at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the original amount invested.

All information provided has been prepared solely for information purposes and does not constitute an offer or a recommendation to buy or sell any particular security or strategy.  It is only for sophisticated investors who can understand the risks associated with the solutions described and may not be appropriate for other types of investors.  There is no guarantee that any investment strategy will work under all market conditions, and each investor should evaluate their ability to invest for the long-term, especially during periods of downturn in the market and should seek their own legal and financial advice.
This material is only intended for and will only be distributed to persons resident in jurisdictions where such distribution or availability would not be contrary to local laws or regulations.