This strategy is offered by Newton Investment Management Ltd (‘NIM’). This strategy may be managed by an affiliate of NIM and may apply a research process that differs from that applied by NIM.

Strategy overview

We seek to outperform the Russell 1000® Value Index while offering a dividend yield greater than that of the S&P 500. The strategy is managed by an experienced and well-tenured team whose interests are aligned with our clients.

Our unique dividend approach seeks to combine durable current income, solid dividend growth and compelling valuation characteristics.

The US Equity Income strategy offers a balanced approach between dividend yield and dividend growth. Our approach is augmented by a valuation-sensitive process, seeks attractively valued companies with solid fundamentals and business momentum, and aims to capture both income and capital appreciation.

Strategy profile


The objective of the US Equity Income strategy is to outperform the Russell 1000® Value Index while delivering a greater dividend yield profile versus the S&P 500 over a full market cycle.


Russell 1000® Value Index

Strategy inception

1 May 1998

Investment team

The strategy is managed by an experienced team. In-house research analysts are at the core of our investment process, and our multidimensional research capabilities span fundamental, thematic, responsible investment, quantitative, geopolitical, investigative and private-market research to promote better-informed investment decisions.

Want to find out more?

John C Bailer
John C Bailer

Deputy head of equity income, portfolio manager

Brian Ferguson
Brian Ferguson

Portfolio manager, Equity Income team

Keith Howell Jr.
Keith Howell Jr.

Portfolio manager, Equity Income team

Your capital may be at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the original amount invested.

Key investment risks

  • Objective/performance risk: There is no guarantee that the strategy will achieve its objectives and a capital loss may occur.
  • Geographic concentration risk: The strategy primarily invests in a single market which may have a significant impact on the value of the strategy.
  • Real estate investment trust (REITs) risk: The strategy is subject to risks associated with investing in real estate which may include but is not limited to liquidity constraints arising from difficulties with the disposal of the underlying properties, fluctuations in the value of underlying properties, defaults by borrowers or tenants, market saturation, changes in general and local economic conditions, decreases in market rates for rents, increases in competition, property taxes, capital expenditures or operating expenses and other economic, political or regulatory occurrences affecting companies in the real estate industry.
  • Investment in infrastructure companies risk: The value of investments in infrastructure companies may be negatively impacted by changes in the regulatory, economic or political environment in which they operate.